Parenting & Family Coaching

This service includes coaching regarding the needs and challenges that parents and families are facing today. Communication, building a plan, and working together are important for every family. We will discuss various subjects along with recognizing what financial soundness looks like for your family. 

Cost of living (COL) Tool

Serving Teens and Young Adults Preparing for the Financial World.

Family coaching also includes service to teens and young adults preparing for the financial world. A tool is used that generates numbers to show their “Cost of Living” goals in real dollars which is accompanied by coaching to show the reality of their vision.

There are never any biased opinions given but only coaching from biblically based wisdom and intelligence.

It is true that every couple and family has many questions, and for every question, there is an answer to be coached on.

About our Services

There are never any biased opinions given but only coaching from biblically based wisdom and intelligence.

Get In Touch

2 + 5 =

7107 South Yale Ave #277, Tulsa
+1 918 800 3839